After several online rave parties on Twitch, NDXJCL is going offline and is doing a real life party as a fan for fans of the NDXJCL brand. With artists from all over the world, have gathered together to give an epic party for the fans with love of the various Japanese Hardcore styles known as J-Core, but will also feauture western styles in a crossover musical delight.
Nerds all out. Let’s get Unmuted!
Aversal (Finland), Chryzis (Netherlands), CHZK (Germany), Deswide (Chile), Hellfury (Austria), Kuro (Austria), Neodash Zerox (Netherlands), Orin (United States), Pantsu Punx (Finland), Power2All (Netherlands), Savage States (Japan), SuperEuroJimmy (Netherlands) and hosted by Harley Diver (United Kingdom)
NDXJCL is a concept grown out of a internet community with love of the various Japanese Hardcore Styles known as J-Core, all started during the beginning of the Covid situation in 2020. Organizer Neodash Zerox started his streaming carreer on Twitch with a weekly music talkshow called J-Core Life and got extended with more shows like rAmen Break and Gabberdisco Night Live. Next to that, Neodash has hosted several online festivals such as J-Core Live (as main event) and several other loose events under the NDXJCL banner.
While Unmuted started out as a meme, it serves as three meanings. The first one is that after two years of Covid, we are finally able to party again and let our expressions be heard. The second is that these music styles is not well known to the normal people and will serve it’s purpose to show the world that there’s more out there. The third one is that nerds are the odd one out, and this party is for the raving nerds!
For more information, check out the linktree and follow the socials, also to receive the must current updates.