Roller Derby League the Arnhem Fallen Angels is 5 years old and we want you to celebrate with us! To celebrate, we organize a scrimmage and a big party at the Willemeen in Arnhem.

Come to the circus while you can, we’ve got a grand disaster plan. You want to see the circus freak? Well, step inside and take a peek! Bearded ladies, creepy clowns, Siamese twins and many more are coming together on the dance floor. SIN-CIRCUS is out of control! Here you wont find the usual. What is different is beautiful!

Come and join the freak show with us

-coming soon-

Party ticket: €7,50
Scrimmage: €5,-
Combi-ticket: €10,-

Always wanted to see what roller derby is all about?
Come and play (or watch) a roller derby game:
Or join our Fresh Meat day 30th of April: